Since 2020, we have been cooperating with the American manufacturer of analytical standards Brammer Standard Company, INC. This manufacturer has been producing standards based on metals and their alloys dedicated to spectrometers and elementary analyzers for two generations. The BS laboratory has acreditation ISO 9001, ISO 17034 and ISO 17025. Brammer Standard is also a distributor of RM, CRM and SUS class standards, solid standards, i.e. in the form of discs, chips and powders of other recognized manufacturers like NIST, BAS, BAM and NCS.
Calibration standards currently available on the market have been sorted according to the type of matrix and their intended use and collected in catalogues.
Copper base solids (brass, bronze)
Iron base solids (iron, steel, cast iron)
Other base solids (cobalt, lead, titanium)
Combustion materials (chips and powders)
Setting-Up Samples (includes glass XRF discs)
If you are searching for the calibration standard fulfilling all analytical requirements contact mail us